
HEX to Pantone Converter


311 C


3115 C


3125 C


7710 C


7466 C


7467 C


326 C


3252 C


3262 C


3255 C


3265 C


3275 C


3395 C


Hex to Pantone Converter

Hex to Pantone Converter is a unique tool that works to provide a pool of Pantone colors with respect to the provided hex and distance. Hex to Pantone Converter is most helpful when working on projects such as websites or print. The hex value is one of the common ways of color representation in digital design. They can also be easily used to encode colors in RGB color mode. Hex to Pantone Converter lets users convert any form of RGB Hex color to a corresponding hex code which can be used with a Pantone Swatch book or some other related product. Aside from this the Hex to Pantone is a handy tool for users who need an old-school system such as CMYK that uses four-digit codes.

The Importance of Hex to Pantone Converter

Hex to Pantone is a unique and handy tool used to generate Pantone colors. Users can easily enter the HEX code and immediately get the Pantone number. Hex to Pantone provides the closest Pantone colors that correspond with the inputted Hexadecimal color. Hex to Pantone makes use of javascript libraries to get Pantone colors. Hex to Pantone Online is compatible with MAC Windows Chrome Linux Edge Firefox and Safari among others.