SQL Escape/Unescape

Enter the String
The Result string:

XML Escape

XML Escape is an easy online tool that works to escape plain XML to escaped XML. This tool also shows XML text in XML <pre> tag. To achieve this copy the needed text paste it into the provided box and escape. The Features of the XML Escape XML Escape is a handy tool that works to escape plainXML This tool is fast and efficient and also escapes XML data with ease. It gives room for XML string data URL loading which loads data and automatically escapes. XML string files can also be converted to escapedXML by simply uploading the file. XML Escape Online is compatible with MAC Windows Linux Chrome Firefox Edge and Safari.


XML Escape is very unique tool to escape plain xml. This tool saves your time and helps to escape eXtensible Markup Language data. This tool allows loading the Plain XML data URL which loads plain data to escape. Click on the URL button Enter URL and Submit. Users can also convert plain XML File to escaped XML by uploading the file. XML Escaper Online works well on Windows MAC Linux Chrome Firefox Edge and Safari

Sample URL

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